Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Breakfast Makes you Stronger & Healthier???

This is my breakfast for today. Just a simple french toast and a sausage. Same goes to Alya and his daddy. Now three of us can share the same menu except for Ammar bulat tu. Today his menu is pasta with vegetable and meat. But i have to blend since ada daging .... manalah si kecik yg bergigi 2 tu nak makan kalau tak blend. So macam nilah rutin mummy every week has to kelam kabut masak utk semua orang.... sampai nak minum pun tak sempat... but somehow i wonder will my kids cook for me when I'm old ?.........

For me if kalau tak kelam kabut pagi i will cook for them including daddy lah..... gigih kan memasak dgn telurlah ikan lah pagi pagi buta...... macam manalah mak diorang ni nak melawa kuar umah pun kelam kabut ngan tak bermekap sampai dalam kereta lepas hantar the children ruman wan dia baru boleh mekap... ah tapi semua tu tak penting tapi yg penting anak anak.... i kan always vogue bila sampai opis..... he heh he nampak tu angkat bakul sendiri .... siapa nak muntah silakan hehhehhe....

Actually what i want to share is last week ada one of my indian frens suddenly tanya" Izah when you grow up your you always had breakfat tak? or your mother prepare breakfast for you tak? " So i said yes la and mmg i'm the type of person yg akan breakfast without fail kecuali tak sempat la......
So she replied back " See thats how you are stronger and tak senang kena sakit" i said yer ker? "yes because i just read somewhere that those who take breakfast will grow up stronger and healthier than those yg tak ambik breakfast"... so this is totally a new info that i heard. I never knew about this before.

Looking back at those years i remember my mum always made breakfast for us tak kisahlah apa pun nasi goreng, or at least telur mata kerbau and she make sure that we take our breakfast. .......... Tu takperlah breakfast tu sedap... tapi yg paling kitorang tak suka tu ialah .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... our lovely father force ok FORCE!!!!!! us to take vitamin la kalsium la early morning. She will take one small plate and put at least 2-3 vitamin for us to take. So nak tak nak we all has to eat and being me yg a bit jahat ni kan sometimes kalau takde mood nak makan tu i will take and put in my pocket and masa on the way to school i will throw it somewhere... siapa pun tak tahu until now. Now i miss my father lecture and his act of forcing us to take the vitamin and being a mother now i know that he wants us to be healthy and stronger. And the result is.......................................................................... we adik beradik mmg jarang sangat kena demam like me maybe once or two times a year kena demam boleh di kira :)

So mungkin sbb tulah i will always make breakfast for my kids bukan sebab apa mungkin the attitude of having breakfast is in me and my blood so i dont think that it was a beban or what...... as for my kids even though dia duduk ngna wan diorang yg tak payah di risau sbb rumah wan mesti ada food but i always make sure that they have their breakfast..... alya pun macam dah biasa mesti ada breakfast wan said ...... For me i'm so thankful that my kids were taken care of my mother in law which i dont have to worry bout food since she will cook for her children and and anak and menantu as well pun tumpang makan he hehhhe... so every time we go back from work there must be something that we can eat...... even though it is just a simple lauk... she's a very thoughtful mum and am glad to have her as my mother in law and i also love my father and my mum too.....

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